AP European History
Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
The short answer questions (SAQs) are a new addition to the revised exams for AP history courses (AP US History, AP European History, & AP World History). These questions require students to respond directly to prompts in complete sentences, but not to the point of writing an essay.
I have created a guide to the AP History SAQs that includes four questions that are completely irrelevant to any exam content. This will allow teachers to introduce SAQs to their AP US, AP Euro, and AP World History students in a way that will acquaint students with the format in isolation from the content. In the future, I hope to include links to sample SAQs for all of the AP History subjects. Only teachers who sign up with an institutional e-mail address will receive a password for protected files on this site that are only available to teachers.
AP Euro SAQ GuideMy AP Euro SAQ Guide, completed in cooperation with an AP Euro SAQ Reader, lays out the basics of the AP Euro SAQ with advice on how to approach this section of the exam.
AP Euro SAQ SetThis short answer question set has been designed by an experienced AP Reader in the latest exam format.