The redesigned AP exams for US History, European History, and World History include two essays, a DBQ (Document-Based Question) and an LEQ (Long Essay Question) that will both be scored based on specific rubrics. Students lose points every year because they are not familiar with the rules that must be followed in order to score points.
I am sharing eight years of AP Reading experience with students and teachers through my 8 Month Writing Clinic. Each month, we will focus on a different skill that will be necessary to master AP Writing.
Teachers who sign up for the 8 Month Writing Clinic have my permission to share all videos and resources with their students.
What will you get? |
Students who sign up for this course will be able to attend eight Live Hangout sessions (one each month between September and April), with each session focusing on a different AP History writing skill. A chat room will be available for students to interact with each other and ask questions during the monthly Hangout sessions.
NOTE: All sessions are currently available and you can move through them at your own pace.
The months are only suggestions for pacing your learning.
SeptemberThesis Statements
We will demonstrate how to put together an appropriate thesis statement for the DBQ and LEQ.
OctoberDocuments as Evidence
We will show you how to use the documents as evidence on the DBQ - what to do and what not to do!
NovemberOutside Evidence
It is not just what you know - it is how you use it. We will show you the best strategies for using historical evidence to support your argument in your essays.
DecemberStructuring Your Essay
We will show you how to structure and organize your DBQ and LEQ in order to score the most points on the exam - especially important for the LEQ!
The DBQ and LEQ rubrics include a contextualization point. We will show you how to effectively use historical context and where to place it in your essay.
FebruaryExplaining Documents
On the DBQ, the meaning of three documents must be explained using at least one of four possible criteria: POV, Situation, Audience, and Purpose.
MarchComplex Understanding
Two points on the LEQ and one point on the DBQ are dependent on the student's ability to use historical reasoning. We will show you how to score these points.
We will spend the month of April critiquing work submitted by subscribers in order to further model effective essay writing.