AP United States History Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
The short answer questions (SAQs) require students to respond directly to prompts in complete sentences, but not to the point of writing an essay. There will be four SAQs on the AP US History exam. The first two questions will be required and the student may choose between the other two. Question One (Required) will include one or two quotes from a secondary source (written by a historian) focusing on a time period between 1754-1980 (Periods 3-8).
Question Two (Required) will require the student to analyze a primary source. This material will also be drawn from the period between 1754-1980 (Periods 3-8)
Questions Three and Four (Choose One) will focus on the same thinking skill, with one question drawn from 1491-1877 (Periods 1-5) and the other from 1865-Present (Periods 6-9).
I have partnered with an APUSH SAQ Reader to create a set of four SAQs designed to the specifications of the latest 2017 revision. Each SAQ includes sample responses and detailed scoring guidelines.