The 2022 AP US History Free-Response Questions have been released to the public! Click here to view the questions on the College Board's website. 2022 APUSH SAQ Sample ResponsesClick here to view my sample responses to the 2022 APUSH SAQ items. 2022 APUSH DBQ Sample Response(s)Click here to view my sample response(s) to the 2022 APUSH DBQ. This file will be updated to include several sample responses that would earn different point values. 2022 APUSH LEQ Sample ResponsesThis year's LEQ 2 asked students to assess the relative importance of causes for the settlement of the British colonies. Click here to see a set of sample responses I've put together for LEQ 2. Take a look at my analysis of the 2022 APUSH Free-Response Questions on Marco Learning's YouTube channel:
In order to provide further clarity, I have created a set of sample essays in response to an LEQ prompt comparing the Italian and the Northern Renaissance. Each sample essay includes a detailed explanation of how each point has been earned. Included in the packet are one essay that would receive a maximum score and three essays that would receive middling scores that would put a student on the path to passing an exam. This set of sample responses is completely free, but please consider supporting my annual 8 Month Writing Clinic if you would like to see more sample essays like this. The 8 Month Writing Clinic is a subscription-based course that provides teachers and students with videos, sample essays, and other resources to help prepare for the writing sections of the AP US History, AP European History, and AP World History exams. If you are a teacher who has participated in a recent AP Euro Reading, your feedback is always appreciated if you take issue with how I have awarded any of the points, please don't hesitate to contact me. Teachers with questions are more than welcome to contact me with questions, as well.
Tom RicheyI teach high school history and government in South Carolina. Archives
January 2025